How long would it take to learn 1 semesters worth of German (starting from English)?

I’m currently a college sophomore, and would really like to minor in German, but to do so I would have to take German 1-4, 2 advanced composition classes, and 3 other German-related classes. This would only be do-able if I could self-study to test out of German 1. I would essentially start studying immediately, and would take the language test in mid August, giving me around 4.5 months. If I could devote around 1-2 hours a day to studying (more in the summer since I won’t have school), is this possible? I know a bit of Swedish and a bit of French, but otherwise I only know English. I have access to textbooks (I just got DK Hugo “German in 3 months”) and other reading/writing/listening resources, and I could probably get ahold of the German 1 syllabus to make sure I cover everything.

Does this sound possible? If not, I can just start with German 1, and then graduate after I’ve taken German 1-4 w/o the minor (I’d like to travel a lot and move abroad, that’s the reason why I want to learn another language)

Also, any suggestions for doing this would be super helpful! Thank you!

submitted by /u/6fingermurderer
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