Speed and Hitrate with SRS - Am I going too fast?

I wanted to increase the speed of my language acquisition so I went from 12 - 20 new cards a day with around 50 - 60 daily reps and a hit rate of 95 % to doing 40 to 60 new cards. My daily reps are somewhere between 350 to 500 and my hit rate has dipped down to 85 %. I am now wondering if that speed is too fast - am I still learning properly if my hit rate is a measly 85 %? I am afraid that I am kinda doing SRS "cramming" and that my long term progress is going to suffer - a kind of hare and tortoise situation.

submitted by /u/AFCSentinel
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/EoWgK8M
via Learn Online English Speaking
