Language privilege tier

Disclaimer: this is my opinion and might not be true 100% of the time

Let's redefine "language privilege": it's basically how close your native language is to English.

So, with that in mind, we can create a brief tierlist of languages by how privileged their native speakers are, including a brief rationale for why they are privileged

Tier 1: English (it's English)

Tier 2: Other germanic languages (German, Dutch, Swedish, etc.). Wealthy countries with good education + same language family as English

Tier 3: Romance languages (Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian, especially French). Due to significant lexical similarity with English and somewhat similar grammatical structures

Tier 4: Slavic languages (Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, etc). Small lexical similarity with English, and Indo-European grammar.

Tier 5: Indo-Iranian languages (Hindi, Urdu, etc). Heavy incentive to learn English + Still Indo-European.

Tier 6: Sino-Tibetan (Mandarin, Cantonese, etc). Chinese are learning English en masse and China does a lot of business with the world

If you'd like to add more tiers or change a language family's classification within this list, feel free to do so.

submitted by /u/mere_persona
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
