Help! Where to begin? 📚

Hello. I’m a native English speaker looking for tips on where to begin my language learning journey. My goal is to become a polyglot. I would like advanced proficiency in four languages outside of my native tongue. The issue I’m having is how to even begin. I’ve never tried to learn outside of an academic setting and I’ve been removed from that experience for several years already. In the past, I’ve done well enough with learning basic vocabulary and simple grammar in a classroom setting which is why I have considered taking intro courses at my local community college. Tips for self teaching, acquiring study resources and structuring a learning plan would be helpful. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks. 🫶

Additional information: - TLs include Arabic, Italian, German and Turkish (I’m open to others but these are priority for me) - TLs are all new to me - I have close friends that are native speakers of two my TLs - I would like to learn more than one language at a time. (I don’t think this will be a problem since none of my TLs are not closely related) - I took Spanish in secondary school, and still have a basic understanding, but chose not to pursue it in university - Other languages of interest include French, Serbo-Croatian, Portuguese, Korean and Farsi

submitted by /u/MercurysDaughter29
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
