Getting back on track with language learning. Any techniques I should use?

So in earlier years I’ve taken spanish as a language mostly because it could be beneficial since I’ve been to Spain a few times. It was also popular at my school. I had it for a total of 5 years but never put too much effort into it and didn’t really understand it.

Now however, 2 years after I last had a course in spanish, I feel like learning it again. Maybe on my own terms this time around. I wanted to do a trip throughout the Americas. Speaking spanish would certainly help.

I do use duolingo, not that I think it helps that much but just so I can do something language based daily. Being swedish, I don’t struggle with pronounciation. It is somewhat similar to spanish so I think I’ll eventually get by just fine.

What I’m seeking is tips and guides on how to continue from where I left off. It is of course hard for you to know my progress (IDK BX or CX level either). I also just found this sub so there’s that!

Where would you advice me to start off? Any certain techniques that would be useful?

submitted by /u/Antonell15
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
