Learning minority/less popular languages?

Hi. So recently I've made a post-enquiry about learning dead languages such as Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, you got it. A similar question (that is: how do you actually study them?) appeared in my mind just now, this time regarding languages which are still spoken to this day but are not nearly as popular as others may be. More precisely I'm wondering if anyone here is more or less experienced in learning such a language and is aware of any sites/books/any other neat materials and tips which people might miss. One particular question would be, though, is it worth it going out of your way to find speakers of the said language for the speaking practice and pay less attention to who the person actually is; would that be the same case with teachers/tutors? So... While this is nothing urgent, any insights are welcome nonetheless and thanks in advance, I suppose

submitted by /u/FluffyFoliage
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