Learning Czech - Duolingo or Italki tutor (private one on one)?

Hi there, my partner is Czech and I am eager to learn so I can communicate with her family. I also want to truly enrich myself with the culture each time we go.

I started using Duolingo about a month ago. It's OK, but I was getting frustrated when the computer wouldn't take my answers just based on where I put a certain word. I hired an Italki tutor, and love working with her. The Italki tutor gives me a gdoc and reviews of the lesson, as well as homework/areas to study. She's also super personable, which is a plus!

The only issue is the work flow is totally separate than the path I'm on with Duolingo. They are both structured, but way different areas of focus, at least in the beginning. Hers is on learning to say "how are you? where do you live? my name is eric", whereas Duolingo is maybe more textbook style.

Is it OK if I just put Duolingo on pause and continue with the teacher? I can't do two totally different work streams, and feel like I should just focus on one.

submitted by /u/Logical_Rope6195
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