Language teachers who teach your native language to non-native speakers, do you ever get frustrated hearing/reading it be butchered by students repeatedly?

My wonderful high school Japanese teacher (who I still keep in touch with--in Japanese!--15+ years after graduating) was born and raised in Japan and immigrated to the US after getting a Japanese university degree in linguistics to teach public high school Japanese. One thing I've often wondered over the years is if its bothersome to hear/read one's native language butchered day in and day out by non-native speakers, even unintentionally, as they use words, grammar, idioms, etc incorrectly and sometimes fail to convey what they want to say accurately or understandably at all. There's been times when I'm writing or speaking to her in Japanese and trying to convey a complex thought and know that I'm probably butchering it in numerous ways and perhaps even missing the mark entirely. I imagine decades of just hearing/reading your native language being used poorly and even incomprehensibly day in and day out for your job could be incredibly frustrating.

As a language teacher, have you/how do you deal with this?

submitted by /u/skyewardeyes
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