Is it okay not having an excuse to use the language you're learning outside of studying?

I don't really get any opportunities to use my studied language outside of lessons and homework, and it's almost a little demotivating thinking that I'm not using it for anything in particular. I'm trying to remind myself that it's good enough just doing these things for fun, but I can't shake the feeling I should be doing something more if I'm putting this much effort in.

It feels like everyone else uses their studied language in their personal lives quite a lot, like amongst friends, or by travelling and putting their skills to the test (neither of which are all that available to me). Is it normal/common to sort of not have any purposes for your studied language outside of studying for fun/productivity?

(Perhaps I just need a penpal or something, but the pressure of it almost being like a second lesson kinda makes me anxious. I wish it could just be a casual friend kind of thing.)

submitted by /u/usernameok1234
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