Feeling stuck with language learning

I know this feeling is really common, but I want to share my experience and hopefully get some tips.

I've been learning German for a couple of years and I'd say I'm somewhere around B2. I thought getting here would be exciting, but it's been excruciating. I know enough to have pretty fluid conversations, but not enough to talk without having to create weird sentences from time to time because I'm missing some words, or having to stop and think about cases. I can understand most things and guess whatever's left, but there's never any conversation I can easily understand 100% of (unless it's way below my level, obviously). I'm basically in some sort of limbo between feeling fluent and just conversational.

This feeling has made me not enjoy learning the language anymore. I started learning it because I loved it, and now I'm just forcing myself to practice because I'm moving to Germany soon and I need to get better. Academic books don't help, but neither does native content like books or shows. I keep focusing on everything I don't know instead of enjoying what I do know.

I also wanna start learning a new language but don't wanna do it while in the middle of actively learning German, so it kinda feels like it's stopping me from trying new things.

I'm not gonna stop learning German and I know (and hope) I'll start getting better pretty fast once I'm in Germany, since I plan on forcing myself to speak only German. But it'd be great if someone had any tips that could help fall in love with the language again or would share their experience getting over this.


submitted by /u/Fit_Consideration904
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