Decided to Track my Journey Here #1


Hello everyone, I am a bilingual student from the United States. About a year ago, I discovered that I have an amazing passion for learning and studying languages. Since then I have studied three (maybe 5 if you consider dropping it after a week) different languages. My methods of learning and/or practicing are very varied and could use some more organization!

Languages I've Studied

Spanish : Two years back in Highschool, haven't touched it since. (Not even A1)

Serbo-Croatian : Roughly a year now. (I'd assume between A2 and B1)

German : 4-5 Months on and off. (Inbetween A1 & A2)

Ukrainian : 1 Week (Dropped it since 2 Slavic languages at once is confusing)

Farsi : 1 Week (Dropped it since 3 languages at once was too much)

Languages I Would Like to Study (In Order)

Russian : I am ethnically part Russian, so I think that would be interesting.

Ukrainian : I am ethnically part Ukrainian, also knowing Russian & Polish would make it easy.

Farsi : Know many Persian people, and have many Persian friends.
Mandarin : I feel like this is sort of the 'final boss' of languages, especially for Indo-European language speakers. It's a very interesting and beautiful language and Chinese culture and history is very interesting, but I feel like in order to effectively study this I would have to make it my one and only priority.

Why I Created This Account

I would by no means call myself a regular user of Reddit, I don't have any accounts or anything, but I found this community and I seem to get a little bit of inspiration which I just cannot get anywhere else from here.

For the past couple months I have been lacking motivation to sit down and study my languages, and it is not that I am no longer interested, but rather that, I just cannot possibly force myself to sit down and repeat the same monotonous Anki decks and reading about grammar. However, this is not saying that I don't spend every day thinking about my languages, trying to use them to communicate or reading some stuff in the target language. Essentially, my problem, as most language learners experience, is the difficult and monotonous beginning where you learn grammar and whatnot through programs etc. and then the later stages where the learning is all up to you to explore the world and the language on your own without any hand to guide you. Finding motivation throughout all these different parts is a struggle for me, but I thought that if I track my journey publicly I can possibly find the encouragement and discipline to keep it going.

That being said, I am going to post here maybe every Sunday as to how my studying is going or how it has gone, I am not sure if you all will find this any interesting or stay up-to-date with it, but as long as I have at least a couple 'followers' along my journey that will be enough for me to keep going.

submitted by /u/progress-tracking
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