Can you learn other things while LEARNING your target language?

This is a question i have and what i wanna know is if it doing this you don't impair your learning process either in learning the language or learning this other thing. Because i'm acutally still learning english, but i also need to study other areas, other school subjects, then the solution that i came up with was to mix these two things. So when i have a subject that i need to learn about i do my research on it in english, read articles and watch videos in english, and it's it. BUT what intrigues me is that i found it harder to grasp the information, even understanding maybe almost 90% percent of what i was reading or watching, so what im wanting to know is if it's something normal, like, is it harder to keep memories and informations when you learn it on the language you are not native at or it's just lack of proficiency on the language? I feel like i always end impairing one of these 2 things. It's confusing, i hope someone can understand what i wanted to say. Tell me about your experiences on it.

submitted by /u/juao-m
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via Learn Online English Speaking
