Those Who Have Reached a B1 in Their TL or Higher.

I am currently in the early stages of my Spanish language journey, and looking for a little guidance.

I have been studying Spanish since early February. I do not speak any other languages, but I have studied Japanese for a year and a half prior, and in the process learned some things about learning languages (although, this didn't stop me losing site of my goal of being able to communicate in the language, and getting hung up on learning the kanji). I had no exposure to Spanish before I started.

I spent the first month drilling 1,500 words from a spoken frequency list. All the while working through the Pimsleur Level 1 Latin American course. The latter was good because I realised I would rather focus on Castilian Spanish (I'm in the U.K., makes more since, and I prefer the sounds).

Being familiar with a chunk of vocabulary, I could start enjoying CI content. Dreaming Spanish became my best friend, and as time goes on, I watch at least an hour per day. Their beginner content is now by and large something I can follow and understand easily. Some intermediate videos are also thoroughly enjoyable; however, there are also some where I'm like... nope, nothing.

Getting to the point! I'm going to Salamanca for a month in August to study Spanish at the Don Quijote school. I would like to bring myself near to a B1 level to try make the most of the situation, in that I want to communicate largely in Spanish, as much as possible, and soak it all up with plenty of practice.

Other resources I use:

  • Assimil
  • StoryLearning Podcast Season 1
  • Practice Makes Perfect - Spanish Verb Tenses
  • LanguageTransfer
  • Español con Juan (despite the fact he sometimes seems to talk faster, I understand him easier than some DS videos)

I also read graded readers in bed, which are largely A1ish level. I'm sure there's more, but these are the main resources. (Pimsleur level 2, Spanish Verb Tenses, and Language Transfer are briefly on hold for the next two weeks, as uni is going full throttle with reports.) I try to get about two hours of input a day, and a lesson of Assimil. I'll get back to the verb textbook and make LT a habit when uni's out in a couple of weeks.

Knowing that I have about two months before I heading off to Spain, does anyone have recommendations, advice, or anything else, that could help further me toward that B1 level? Anything you recommend I ditch - for example, would Pimsleur lv.2 the best use of my time?

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/tizzlemohgizzle
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