Is there any difference between Polish, Spanish and Japanese "R"?

My native language is Polish, I was once very interested in the Spanish language and many learning materials in English tried to explain how to pronounce the Spanish R. I basically have seen no difference between Polish and Spanish "r". I already know the difference between English and Spanish "r", it's pretty obvious, but Polish and Spanish? The same I've noticed with Japanese "r". I've even read once that native Spanish speakers shouldn't have any problem with Japanese "r" since it's basically the same sound. Here is a video of a guy saying Polish "r" a couple of times: Personally, maybe I am stupid, but I can't really grasp the difference between three of those sounds in those three languages... To be clear, I hear some difference, but I think it may be due to accents, not necessarily the "R" sound.

submitted by /u/sadsatan1
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