How much are you willing to spend in order to learn your target language?

Hello everyone. I've been thinking about this a lot in the past couple of days... How much money are you willing to spend learning your target language/s? Whether it's in textbooks, workbooks, subscriptions, tutoring, italki, things like Rosetta Stone or Living Language, classes either online or university/college, etc. Obviously there are a ton of free resources now for a lot of languages but people still spend money on language learning. There is this set of apparently very good books for my target language but because they're being shipped from overseas, the prices add up. On the one hand, yikes.... But, on the other, I think language learning can be considered an investment of sorts although that depends on which language and for what reason you're learning I suppose... Idk. I have the money right now to get these books but it still sort of hurts seeing that final price lol. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Jollybio
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