From Content for learners to Content for natives... How do you progress?

I know there isn’t any quick fix, but this is obviously pretty frustrating, and i’m sure im not the only one dealing with this, lol.

There’s just something about native cones that I can’t seem to digest, and I don’t know why.

All the comprehension progression I make seems to only work for two things:

1) Understanding my tutors better. We speak mainly in my target language, and over the months, I have almost no trouble understanding my tutors when they speak.

2) Understanding content made for learners better. This type of content ranges from absolute beginner to advanced, and as i get better, i am reaching the advanced stage.

The problem is, that once the target audience changes from a student to a native, my brain fails to comprehend almost anything.

I can have an hourlong conversation with my tutor in my TL and understand 95% of what is said, but if i go watch a native video about potty training (or other simple things) in my TL i never understand more than 5%.

Are there any changes in study habits that you’ve made to help this issue? Or am I just being impatient?

submitted by /u/ibridoangelico
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
