For vocab flashcards, is there a benefit to studying both TL -> English and English -> TL, or is just English -> TL sufficient?

I’ve been slowly eating a 5000 word frequency deck for French, studying both French-English and English-French. I saw a comment here in an old thread where someone suggested to only bother with English-French.

The logic makes sense to me: French - English is much less challenging, and it comes naturally if you already know the English-French. I also practice French-English naturally by reading and listening.

If I dropped French-English, I could use the use the time to learn more vocab cards or just reduce my total time on Anki. However, I wanted to see what others had to say before I make any big change to my routine. I have found vocab flashcards immensely useful to improving my conversational abilities so far, I’m just looking to see if this switch would be an easy efficiency boost with no downsides.

submitted by /u/2017_BCS_ORANGE_BOWL
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