Does playing video games count as reading?

Hi! For the past few months I've been reading pretty consistently (I'm about A2-B1 atm) but since I've finished my graded reader, I've been reading very short stories for free online. I'm doing this because I plan to read The Diary of a Wimpy Kid in German but I want to read the first book first, and then buy the book in German (I have 4 books already in English but they aren't in order and I'd like to at least start with the first book first). However, that won't be instant ofc.

My original plan was to re-read the graded reader and then read The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but then I thought about it and idk how useful it'd actually be. I was planning to read it after I'd added the glossary chapters to Anki (like add Chapter 1 words to my Anki, then read Chapter 1 etc), but I can't do that consistently anyway cuz I've got other things to add to Anki too. Soo I've decided against that idea.

I thought maybe I could play some easy games (Sims 3 for example) whilst reading the short stories as well. Would this work well? I'm just worried my reading will decline as a result of this because I can read like 3 short stories in 10 minutes (I'm using Lingua) and I only read every few days too. I thought maybe combining it with some games could work. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Lemons005
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