Although I believe you can acquire a language only through input I don't think you learn exactly like a child

It just doesn't seem plausible that adults and children aquire language in the same way, for a child they're not just learning vocabulary but also conceptualizing the world at the same time.

As for an adult the numerological processes are far more developed, and within that process certain processes are essentially dropped.

For someone like me lives exactly how a hikikomori(引きこもり) does it's entirely possible to learn just by input alone although slower then other approaches, I have enough free time to go about it this way. I do agree it's far better to structure your immersion in such a way such as with cure dolly's organic approach but in my life situation it's difficult to produce the tools to take that into full advantage, only just a phone I have and I just don't feel energized enough to do things such as sentence mining, not just that the structured courses are very trailered with anime in mind which I don't watch on a regular basis. Most of the time it's just YouTube.

My life currently as it is I can just waste a lot of time but that doesn't mean I agree we learn exactly like children.

submitted by /u/Kitsune_Douga
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