Advice for Learning Croatian?

My dad's entire side of the family is Croatian and I've always wanted to speak Croatian. I've been trying to learn Croatian for the longest time, with and without help, but never seem to be able to really progress. Just a few months ago I was making great progress but I hit a wall and just haven't been able to progress.

So far most of my progress has come from reading the book Fluent Forever and practicing the methods listed in the book. I actually really enjoy the book and I was making GREAT progress in vocab and such but at some point all of my learning kind of just halted and I was starting to lose a lot of what I had learned. When I hit this wall I was also trying to begin learning Croatian grammar but I've hardly progressed with that at all.

So far for other methods I've tried practicing/learning through Mondly and Youtube Videos but that never worked. I also try to speak with my dad and we're able to have very basic conversations but at some point one of us switches to English because there's too much that I do not know. He's tried to teach me Croatian himself on multiple occasions but really just doesn't know how to.

Does anybody have advice for how I could learn Croatian? It's the #1 thing I want to do in life and no matter what I will make it work with school, work, and just life in general! I know one thing I'll definitely try to do is try and study abroad in Croatia come my next fall semester, so if anyone suggests to move there I do plan on it (at least temporarily)!

submitted by /u/thatisrathergnArly
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