What is your deeper language learning motivation?

They say: "People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!"

We can venture out and say: "People don't want a quarter-inch hole. They want high self esteem." Because with the quarter-inch hole, they can hang a modern art print and show-off their taste. That's their deep-seated/ subconscious motivation for buying a quarter-inch drill.

So, when it comes to the reason for language learning, it may sound like a no brainer: we want to be fluent. But what's the deep-seated/ subconscious motivation that keeps you going, for months and years on end? What's the ripple effect you hope language fluency can bring you?

For me, language fluency defines who I am. It's an identity that's attached to me. I think my very own existence is shaped by it.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/That-Language-Guy
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