Sad and Embarrassed

Over the years I have attempted to learn a number of languages other than the one I grew up with. Some of those attempts were in instructive settings such as at university and in Peace Corps training. Other attempts were on my own. In spite of the time, effort and money spent, I have never been able to have a conversation with anyone in a language other than my native English.

I'm 72 years old now and hold out no hope that I'll ever learn to converse in a non-English language. My failure in this regard is especially galling because learning to speak another language is something I have longed for since my youth.

Looking back I can identify no particular reason why every attempt ended in failure. I recall approaching each effort with confidence and enthusiasm only to have my optimism shredded by reality.

I can't help but think that my life would have been both richer and more fulfilling had I been able to communicate with those I encountered in my travels and in the places where I lived.

I'm saddened and embarrassed by my failure.

It helped a bit to write about it in a public way.

submitted by /u/buadhai
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
