Concept for a side-by-side reading app

Concept for a side-by-side reading app

Having somewhat recently started my journey of learning Spanish as a foreign language, I have now built up a relatively decent passive vocabulary, but lack the listening comprehension skills to follow anything but the most trivial of spoken conversations.

At this point, I find reading texts to be a much more productive method of seeing the vocabulary I learned in context and it is certainly less tedious than pausing a TV show every five seconds to catch up on the transcript.

I find it particularly helpful to read a text side-by-side with a close translation so I don't have to pause reading to go look up a dictionary definition for every word I don't know.

For me personally, having access to the texts on a phone is a must, since that is the one device I always have with me and I often spontaneously want to spend some time reading while on the go.

There are some apps that use this concept (e.g. Beelinguapp) but more often than not they are only accessible via the app and rather clunky and too bloated for my needs. When searching for websites that do the same, there definitely are some, but I haven't found one yet that works well on both desktop—and more importantly—phone screens.

So I decided to give it a go myself:

Also works with multiple languages:

It's just a quick proof of concept, but I wanted to see if there is any interest in it at all. Any feedback and improvement suggestions will be hugely appreciated. Please also let me know if you have any good sources of public-domain texts with translations, or maybe would like to contribute texts or translations yourself.

Here's the link:

For this demo I decided to go with the first chapter of Alice in Wonderland—or should I say Alicia en el país de las maravillas ;)—since it's a public-domain text with readily available translations.

The German translation is also there:

If you want to change the displayed languages for now you can just change them in the URL. E.g. just Spanish:

submitted by /u/upzylon
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
