Looking for Australian participants who speak a heritage language to partake in an interview for an undergraduate linguistics study

Hi, I'm doing a linguistics unit at university called Language Learning and Multilingualism and I'm in need of one more participant to interview to complete my data collection. My research is focusing on how Australians form and negotiate their identity while abroad in their country of origins, and doing this in the context of a heritage language. I'm looking for people who:

  • Identify as Australian
  • Have traveled to the country where both or one of their parents originated from
  • Speak a heritage language that is spoken in the country they visited

If you or anyone you know fits this criterion, I'd greatly appreciate your time! The interview will take only 20-25 minutes over Zoom and you'll be asked a series of questions relating to your experiences


submitted by /u/Throwaway82309482
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/3vDHAcH
via Learn Online English Speaking
