New interesting ways to study request

I go through couple month long phases of "I can study all day everyday " to "Im getting nowhere I don't want to hear or see my Target Language at all"

Im coming up on one of the latter stages. Everyday I review my anki deck and crank out a couple lessons on Duolingo, but I get such whiplash from going from watching hours of TV in my Target language to barely having the motivation to read a Duolingo story. Does anybody have any suggesting on new interesting ways I could study?

I'm going to try translating and learning every word to some of mg favorite TL songs, and I might go back and restart the new Pokémon games in my TL if I can find the motivation.

The problem is I don't really like to watch TV for some reason. Im not a huge gamer, reading isn't my favorite, I like podcasts and music but I usually use them as background noise while I work and that's not very helpful for language study.

So send all your ideas my way, every idea welcome no matter how crazy. Do you pretend your TL is a secret spy code and its your job to decypher it? Do you spend hours translating your favorite fanfiction into your TL because the rest of the world just NEEDS to read it? Do you watch ~adult movies~ in your TL? I need suggestions!!

submitted by /u/FredyK200
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
