Maintaining the target language with no time/energy budget

Now it has happened to me - I officially ran out of time and energy to keep up studying seriously at the moment. I work full-time, am in a hot phase of my PhD right now and just noticed that my brain seems to want to do something else than doing mental work at the end of the day.

I started by pausing my weekly lessons after I found that I just couldn't squeeze in any homework without feeling burned out. This was a month ago and I haven't booked another lesson yet. And I feel relieved, because my schedule is now more free than before, but of course I'd have preferred to drop something else instead. But right now, I need things like playing online with friends in the evening or just having some really free time a bit more for my mental health.

I do still engage with the language here and there (singing in Hebrew, watching weekly services in HE, doing the occasional Duo break, listening to music, speaking to myself at times and sometimes with friends (my confidence to do so has shrunken, though)). But I feel I cannot commit to *structured* learning at the moment as my brain just seems to crave unstructured time and free days.

I am afraid of my learning slowly fading out due to the loss of structure. I really love Hebrew and want to keep it up, but am afraid that my pause turns into an end of my learning, while setting goals just gives me anxiety and pressure at the moment, since I feel so overworked. Anyone else had a situation like this? Any advice?

submitted by /u/efficient_duck
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