Need help deciding on what language to try and learn

I'm 17 and currently finishing up my last year of high school as a senior, throughout my school years I took a couple of minor years of Spanish and French, both of which I never was all that interested in. In my Freshman year of high school I took Mandarian I and actually learned quite a bit, by the end of the year I was able to read very basic characters easily, and my pronunciation was really good for a first-year, as my Chinese teacher complimented me quite a bit on. I ended up not taking the class again as a sophomore as I just wanted to go an easier route for an easier grade, the reason I mention all of that is that I really felt as though learning Mandarin for me was far easier than French and Spanish, and more interesting, especially if I put more effort into it. The issue is that I want to do some foreign abroad schooling as a sophomore, junior or senior in college, to go see a new culture and place. Currently, I'd love to go to Japan abroad in the future and to experience such an amazing place, that's why I'm stuck on what to do. Either I could learn Mandarin or Japanese, I'm sort of stuck in between wanting to try and learn one or the other, and just wanted some outside advice to help me with my decision/what would be better for me.

submitted by /u/Accomplished_Essay74
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from Ẹ káàbọ̀
via Learn Online English Speaking
