What language goes well with maths job?

Recently I've been feeling the urge to start another language and I'm not sure which one I should learn. I've been learning Norwegian for 5 years and Spanish for 3.5, dabbling in a total of 15 languages on top of that. I know that I definitely want a job in maths and so I'm wondering if there's a particular language that would help or be useful for that, even if there isnt I'd still appreciate any recommendations for languages (I'm doing Spanish A-level so preferably not a romance language and something that would he useful in the long run). Both the languages that I've stuck at are languages I've told that I have to learn so this is what it has come down to for this next one.

submitted by /u/lewisb302
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from བསུ་བ། བྱོན་ཞུ། གདོང་ལེན། ཕེབས་བསུ། https://ift.tt/3cIbH9G
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