Tips for reading in my target language?

I am getting The Little Prince in all of the languages I’m learning and English (my native language) and I’m just wondering what the most beneficial way to approach reading in my TL is. I’ve just never read an entire book in another language and have no idea how to get the best learning experience from it.

I’m at a different level in all of my languages. I am the farthest in Chinese although I’m not sure what my HSK level is. Italian I’m a novice but it’s my second strongest, again not sure what my CEFR level is. German I’m very much a beginner. And in Russian I plan on using this book as a start to my learning. I really just want to use the book to expand my vocabulary and practice reading in these languages.

So what is the most beneficial way to approach reading in my TL? Should I write down all of the unfamiliar words while trudging through with the help of context clues then, after, look up the definitions? Should I look definitions up immediately as I encounter new words? Although I imagine I’ll be doing either, a lot with Russian.

What do you guys recommend? Any tips on picking up grammar rules and new vocab? How do you go about reading and reading comprehension in your TL? Thanks for all your help in advance!

submitted by /u/Languagelover02
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