Preventing loss of a language

Hey guys first time poster on this sub. I’m a native English speaker but I spent ages 10-17 living in France and by the time I left I spoke it at a fairly fluent level. I’m 24 now and I still speak and read the language at a high level but the area I’ve found myself losing a bit has been listening. For instance, if I watch a french movie a lot of the times I find myself turning on the closed captioning (in French) or when I occasionally listen to a song I’ll have to look up and read the lyrics. I’ll still have extensive conversations when I do run into French speakers but they dont come by very often. It’s incredibly frustrating and since I don’t live in an area where a lot of people speak it it’s hard to practice. has anyone gone through the same issues and if so what steps have you taken in order to maintain a language?

submitted by /u/Antrimman247
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from Шäлä | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
