Getting carried away with sentence mining

I did a lot of reading and playing video games in Japanese yesterday and I added a lot of sentences I came across into my Anki deck. This is also to practice the Kanji readings. The way I review it is that I check if I can properly read the Kanji and understand the whole sentence. I'm not trying to memorize sentences in Japanese.

But I find that I've added over 200 cards yesterday alone and I'm not sure it's a good idea to add 200 new cards in one day or even one week into my reviews. The number inflated because if I learn a new word, I don't just add that one sentence where the word appears. I add other sample sentences from so that I see that word more often in my reviews, I see other usages of the word, and other vocabulary words in the sentence get reviews at the same time. Sentence mining sounds like a powerful method but your reviews can really stack up soon. I'm thinking of going back to single word cards so my reviews don't get really bogged down but I don't think they're as effective especially on vocabulary that has many usages and meanings. Am I doing this right or am I getting too carried away?

submitted by /u/InsomniaEmperor
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