Does Pimsleur really only teach very little vocabulary?

A number of people say that Pimsleur (a language learning program) only teaches a small number of words. They say it's good for pronunciation and some sentence structure, but you learn barely any vocabulary.

However, I'm not sure how this is possible. You learn about 5-10 words in each session (closer to 5 for Pimsleur 1-2, closer to 10 for Pimsleur 3). After 3 courses (the standard set for many Pimsleur languages), you end up with at least 5-600 words, and you learn how to use them (sentence structure, grammar, etc). That's certainly not enough words for fluency, but it should be enough to have a wide variety of simple conversations and understand quite a bit of television and conversation. After all, you only need about 800 words to understand most words in daily conversation, 1,000-2,000 to be functional in daily life. So 500 words is a significant amount of vocabulary, not just pronunciation practice (according to the Chinese HSK, that puts you at 3 semesters of college language study — I'm learning Chinese, so I'm using that for reference). And that's after only three months.

Once you have that much vocabulary, your lack of listening and speaking practice are probably holding you back far more than your lack of vocabulary ... and no "method" will teach you that besides actually watching TV, talking to people, etc. But I might be missing something, what do you all think?

submitted by /u/avery_404
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