What and how should I be studying right now?

Alright..... corona break afforded me plenty of time to study languages. I'd already reached a high degree of fluency in German and intermediate in Spanish. So, I decided to add Chinese and Russian to the mix. Problem is, break is essentially over for me now as I've found a new job. I'm working full time outside, and I do not make the time to solely study a language at home, in front of a computer. Could I learn a language to decent fluency (i.e. understanding a native podcast) simply through listening? I'm familiar with pimsleur, but I refuse to use it due to the paywall. However, I have an alternative to it - Mango Languages. For those of you that have gotten to a great deal of fluency simply through listening, with little if not none reading included, how did you do it?

I'm also curious about maintaining my Spanish and German, and how many minutes per day would suffice in me making small steps towards higher fluency.

submitted by /u/cryptofanatic09
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