Two things I need to say. 1. r/polyglot should be added to related subs. 2. Disallowed content page is broken for me.

r/polyglot is a sub for people who know multiple languages or want to learn multiple languages. In a way, it is rather close to this sub. Since it is so close, it should be added to the long list of related subs. What makes it different? Well, the sub is more of a get together for polyglots(wether they really are or are not what they claim to be is a different matter) but the sub is still valid.

And last, but not least Something is off with your disallowed content page. I see html links in <a> tags instead of links.

This is a part of what I see: <!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md wiki"><div class="toc"><ul><li class="wiki_text_moderation_policy"><a href="#wiki_text_moderation_policy">Text Moderation Policy</a></li><li class="toc_child"><ul><li class="wiki_how_we_moderate"><a href="#wiki_how_we_moderate">How we moderate</a></li><li class="wiki_the_rules"><a href="#wiki_the_rules">The Rules</a></li><li class="wiki_examples"><a href="#wiki_examples">Examples</a></li><li class="wiki_advice"><a href="#wiki_advice">Advice</a></li></ul></li><li class="wiki_content_moderation_policy"><a href="#wiki_content_moderation_policy">Content Moderation Policy</a></li><li class="toc_child"><ul><li class="wiki_read_the_faq_before_asking_questions"><a href="#wiki_read_the_faq_before_asking_questions">Read the FAQ before asking questions</a></li><li class="wiki_automoderation_policy">

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submitted by /u/South_Operation
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from Aloha | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
