Tips for using Tandem // General tips for advanced practice and confidence-building

I (PL/ENG native; German/French C1; Russian B1) am trying to use Tandem to find a partner for language exchange, and I was just wondering if any of you had tips or suggestions for how to use it more effectively. Alternately, how do you find ways to practice speaking and building confidence when you can't be in your target language's country? At this point I can read novels in German, watch TV without subtitles and get almost all of it, but I just lack confidence. I built confidence for myself with French by concocting a "persona," which made something click for me, but I can't find the speaking opportunities to do the same with German! What do you do to get to that higher level of fluency and comfort in your TL?

submitted by /u/lunchlunch1
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from Dia dhaoibh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
