Is it just me, or are there “popular” and “unpopular” languages to learn among the general language learning community?

First of all, this post is purely fueled off of my own curiosity and observations. Nothing else.

In my language studies and interactions with other language geeks, one of the the things I’ve noticed about the community is the popularization of certain languages. While we all really find our true language passions in languages and cultures we are deeply interested in for one reason or another, some people, I feel like, choose a language to study for fun off of an unofficial list, so to say. Such languages (as per my perspective) include: Japanese, Indonesian, and Hebrew. I’ve also noticed that some languages, Spanish being an example, tend to have a sort of feel of being overrated for experienced language studiers.

Has anyone else noticed something like this? I’d love to hear about your possible experiences with this.

submitted by /u/DrogMalafa
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from Dia dhaoibh | Languagelearning
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