How to count unique words per book?

So i've come across stats for how many unique words certain books have and im wondering if there is an easy way to calculate this. I have the e-book but I can't copy/paste so I don't know how to plug the text into a program.

For instance, i'm reading Harry Potter and I am able to find stats on unique words per book but there are no stats for unique words throughout the whole series. So the first book has about 4,000 unique words and the second has about 5,000. But out of these two books, how many unique words are unique when you include both books? Like the second book could have an additional 1,000 unique words but obviously it actually has a mix of unique words that showed up in the first book as well as unique words that did not appear at all in the first book, so at least a thousand new unique words but likely much more. But for some reason, no one has calculated across the series.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/PolitelyHostile
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