How do you "get over" a language?

So I have learned a very significant amount of Russian for a job. I didn't get to choose the language, but was interested enough in it to do well. I lost a significant amount from years of neglecting it but recently picked back up with it and still have a strong basis if I want to continue. I do want to continue... in a way. But I'm so much MORE interested in strengthening my Spanish and digging into French and Korean. I have been working on all four, but I feel that dropping Russian might make the most sense for progressing in the other three. The problem is I don't really want to lose any more Russian and I feel guilty about all the time I spent on it and the hard work I put into it.

How do I get over Russian? It feels like I was married to it and we got divorced but we've been seeing each other anyway and the love is still there but I also want to move on with my life because four languages is just too much to focus on at once. Does that make sense? Help me?

submitted by /u/pineycitrusforest
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from Dia dhaoibh | Languagelearning
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