Anyone ever get "Language Learning Headaches"?

I was watching this video about the black experience in Japan. This woman is a tenacious and highly educated architect in Japan from Jamaica that moved there to teach English to then afford a master's there. Amazing.

At the 44 minute mark (exactly) she talks about how you get an uncomfortable headache while learning your newforeign language. That is a sign you level up in understanding. Speaking in your new language even hurts your face as you work to pronounce words.

I found this fascinating.

I relate to this so hard. However, I have never heard of any polyglots talk about this phenomenon. Especially Benny Lewis who jumps into a completely new culture in an extremely stressful way with his Speak from Day 1 Method with little preparation. I do not think that man has shared any burnout stories or times he had to slow down. I guess that would go against his brand. Maybe he is a natural extrovert and gets energy from others. And/or finds ways to make his experience as enjoyable as possible.

  1. Has anyone else expereinced these headaches?
  2. Do you agree they are a sign of a "language learning level up" so to speak?
  3. How do you distinguish these seemingly "good" headaches with actual language learning burnout?
submitted by /u/PopularTradition
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from Dia dhaoibh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
