ADHD and vocabulary struggles

tl;dr I have adhd, and studying vocab is extremely difficult for me. How can I make it more interesting?

I'm currently learning Japanese, and have been studying for well over 6 months. However, this has mostly been grammar. I've learned some vocab along the way, but I couldn't tell you what 90% of text says, only what the sentence is supposed to be (if that makes sense). I've done some vocab studying, but my ADHD makes it brutal for me to try and maintain it.

I am medicated, but I try not to take it every single day (especially now that I do literally nothing, but sit at home). However, even with medication, I still struggle a bit. I'm so eager to abosrb as much information as I can that I'll end up studying 100+ kanji in a day, but only retain so little. I also know that studying so much in a day isn't healthy, and sets you up for failure. I know this mostly because I've done it so often.

So here's my question, what do you guys (especially those with ADHD) do to make vocab more fun? Like I said, grammar is easy for me, I don't have an issue there. Vocabulary has only seemed like a one way street of just drilling flash cards and anki tests, but is there any other way to do it other than that?

submitted by /u/eeneranna9
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