Living in target country: How to regain motivation to learn language?

In my group class (nowadays remotely) , I perform the worst because I'm also the least motivated to make progress. I'm very bad at speaking the language, unable to understand it spoken - and the part I'm best at: writing, is still very limited for the level I'm at. I somehow made it to B2, miraculously, There's a very big gap between my capabilities and that of the rest of the class. Heck, I usually leave it having not spoken once at all, because I could never understand a single question that my teacher would ask me.

When I was at A1, I was initially kind of excited, but that eventually wore down. My motivation or reasoning to learn the language is because I live here, and it's what I am, ethnically. Also my parents really want me to, thus they finance my language courses from abroad.

submitted by /u/noriumiego
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from Marhaba| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
