Improving spoken language w/ less time

Hola a todos!

I am a medical student learning Spanish with the goal of achieving clinical fluency within 15months. I started 1 month ago, coinciding with the start of the Quarantine in the US, using the Speed Spanish I course through my public library, Duolingo, Anki & "A First Spanish Reader", and watching/listening to programs. My daily routine enjoys ~60-90m of focused learning a day.

As I transition to clinical medicine, I hope to continue my practice. I would like to gather opinions on improving my spoken language, requiring ~30m-45m/day. I enrolled in the Speed Spanish II course & will proceed through Part III & the Medical Spanish courses.

!Mucho gracias!

submitted by /u/letaptim23
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from Marhaba| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
