Weird question—what, if anything, do y’all do about studying your 1st language(s)?

To be entirely clear, I mean your very first language(s), ie your mother tongue(s).

Me, I’m American, raised monolingually.

Further studying English is a bit unappealing to me, as it’s a very “hyped” language—it’s a national language in countries on the other side of the globe, it’s taught in many places, blahblahblah, yeah.

I believe that I’m at least somewhat good at studying languages, but the ironic thing is that I’m generally not a very good speaker. I think it’s because I hyperfocus on specificity and delivery of what I say, and sometimes I am very “chunky” in communicating, and words escape me at inopportune times.

I have friends that have seen me converse in several languages and then say something like, “how are you so good at foreign languages but so bad at English?”

Maybe I just need to read more books? Idk.

What do y’all think?

submitted by /u/MyNameIsNahDude
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from Siya namkela nonke | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
