I think that many reasons to learn a language are bad. here's an example of an article of bad reasons

1, Open Up a World of Job Opportunities.

Not a good reason while learning that someday you could get a better job. How will it encourage using it so you become good?

  1. Give Your Brain a Boost

Maybe a good start motivator but not to keep going.

  1. Establish Deep Connections and Cross-Cultural Friendships

You don't gonna think oh am gonna spend two years for a "Cross-Cultural Friendships". nobody has said -"it's hard but I'm gonna get a cross-cultural friendship when am done"

  1. Get an Outsider’s Perspective about Your Own Culture

The only way to know it is to ask and you don't need to study 2 years to do it.

  1. Become More Interesting and Meet More Interesting People

I don't think people learn a language to be cool. Am guessing people don't learn grammar to be interesting.

  1. Stay Smart in Tourist Areas

Valid reason but you need more than that someday you will go there.

  1. Be better at learning languages

I don't think people study for 2 years because then the next language will be easier. language learning is not about being meh in so many languages you can.

  1. Conquer Your Fear of “Looking Stupid”

  2. Bring Out Your Inner Mr. Spock

Language learning is not easy, both focus on the end and a quick reward.

  1. Enjoy Works of Art in their Original Language

valid reason

  1. No More Paying the Sticker Price

  2. Discover You Can Do It!

Two more pie in the sky focusing on the end or some special moment.

Almost all or 9/12 of the reasons focused on when your B2, C1 or C2.

We need more motivation when the level is A1, A2, and B1 when it's needed.

Now the reasons look more like an instant way to become cooler smarter and richer.

people say wow and when they not as fast as they think they are people give up.

submitted by /u/felifen25
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