Pay attention to attention when listening

I've been living in Hong Kong for a number of years now and yet I can't understand a damn word. I realised today that I haven't been paying attention because I don't need to. There's listening and then there's active listening.

Here are some ideas:

- It's obvious but find the REALLY interesting stuff

- be active. A game of cards with a native speaker is better than a movie

- but if you watch a TV programme, ECHO the words in your mind

- if you watch a movie, *imagine the words being written down* in some way. This is where romanisation is useful rather than a source of errors. Make sure you handle the words in your mind than just letting the words wash over you and pass you by


- keep the logical mind switched off. Don't analyse.

- LOOK AT THE MOUTH. This helps you with speaking. It gives your brain a chance to match the sounds to the movements of the mouth and in doing so that makes sure your brain actually handles the words

- Drifting off into other thoughts? Meditation.

- still drifting off because you're bored? Switch up a long form with a short form media. For example, mimes in the target language with a page from a book in the language. That's from Steve Kaufman

- doodle (draw) while you listen

- write stuff while you listen... could be strict or relaxed dictation or just a select word or 2

So, *handle the words in your mind but don't examine them.*

I'm interested if you guys have any more ideas.

submitted by /u/Fkfkdoe73
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
