Need help deciding whether to learn Italian or Russian next

As the title suggests, I'm having trouble deciding whether I should learn Italian or Russian next. I plan on learning them both to B2/C1, but don't want to start them at the same time. I'm a native english speaker, C1 in German, and B2 in French.

I'm an opera singer, so both languages are useful professionally, but Italian would be significantly more useful. I would also learn Italian much faster because of my current languages and a little experience with the basics already.

I am more interested in Russian as a language, both for the variety, the sounds of the language, and the literature. The drawback would be that I anticipate it taking me far longer to get Russian to a decent level. Because of that, it would be much longer until I would start with Italian, the more professionally useful language. On the other hand, I think it would be good to learn a harder language now while I'm only working to maintain two languages rather than three.

Do any of you have relevant advice or experience deciding on order of learning languages you want to learn for different reasons? Thanks!

submitted by /u/WienerZauberer
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