How do you study your languages? And what do y'all think about the Pomodoro technique?

Do you have a textbook for your language that you follow? Do you take notes? Do you listen to a podcast? How efficient do you feel your method is?

I am currently studying French, and I am doing nice with the studying overall but I have found that my focused studying is kinda boring so I'm trying to rush this part until I get to the point where I can watch content in French.

I read some things about the Pomodoro technique and I am looking forward to use it in my next study session, what is your experience with this technique?

I will give it a try and make an update, people recommend it a lot for things that you need to be done, for the ones that don't know it, it consists in a few steps: 1. Before starting with your task, set a timer to 25 minutes. 2. After the 25 minutes take a 5 minutes break and do something to relax or something that you have to do outside your task. 3. After four Pomodoros you take a 15 minute break and start again with the cycle.

People claim that they see big improvements in the quality of their study, it also works for overall tasks like the work you have to do, people say that they can get more productivity out of their time with this method.

Did you know about it? If yes then what is your experience regarding the study of languages?

submitted by /u/imberttt
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
