HELP: Advice on Study Abroad Summer 2020 (Spain or Japan)

Graduation (high school) is approaching, I had plans to volunteer in Vietnam during the summer for a medical mission trip, but I just found out I'm not eligible because I don't turn 18 before we leave (my birthday is during TT). Now I'm scrambling to figure out what to do because the study abroad programs I was looking at have applications due very soon, but I wasn't thinking about it until now. My question is should I apply for the study abroad program in Spain or in Japan/another country.


I've been studying Spanish since I was in 6th grade and have achieved a considerable level of fluency. I really love the language and have participated in many cultural (particularly Mexican) activities like Folklorico. The program I would be applying for is an intensive program (so I would be expected to speak Spanish at a certain level already and all the time), and I really think it would be great to obtain an even higher level of fluency and mastery of the language as well I truly dive into the culture of Spain.

On the other hand, I really want to focus on learning another language now because I've only studied Spanish for so long and am relatively happy with where I'm at in terms of fluency. I'm interested in learning Japanese or Chinese, and I know a lot of people who have been on the Japan program and loved it. Also there are really good scholarships for the Japan program. I would be studying Japanese/Chinese but as a beginner.

A part of me does feel that the more "responsible" (?) thing would be to go for (relative) mastery of Spanish as a second language and obviously I love Spanish. But the other side of me wants to dive into a new language as a beginner. Any advice would be greatly appreciated—thank you so much!

NOTE: I also posted this on r/studyabroad but thought it was also applicable here and I'm more active here.

submitted by /u/lossofrem
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
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