Do you need be articulate and possess a wide vocabulary to be considered fluent?

Are the two mutually exclusive or not and is there are difference? I have come across people in my native Language(e.g english), who, while native speakers, are not the most articulate in terms of their level English(vocab or overuse of slang) and ability to express themselves. For example, your average English speaker does not generally speak like Obama or the Queen per say. Conversely, I have met a number of non-natives that speak with "BBC/RP" grade English and accent that made them sound better than some native speakers I have known.

My question is; when learning a second Language, do you need to be capable of speaking at a high level(or with a high grade of volcab and accent) in the target to be considered "fluent"?

submitted by /u/AvatarReiko
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
