ACTFL OPI Speaking Test (Tagalog)

Hi! I’m taking the OPI speaking test in a week and I’m panicking as usual to all my tests. A little background about me: I go to a selective liberal college in the US and part of the requirements of graduation is taking three courses of language (up to the intermediate level) or being a heritage speaker. I grew up in the Philippines until I was 8 when i immigrated into the US. Being here for ten years, I have integrated English as my first language now. Anyways, I need to achieve a score of at least an Intermediate Low on the OPI Speaking test in order to avoid taking three units of classes. I’m pretty confident, but I just want clear assurance. I have trouble a little bit with past tense/future but I have an extent vocabulary on the language. What’s your experiences with the test overall?

submitted by /u/djunio19
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
